QUIVER Quake Series Book 2 edition by Jacob Chance Romance eBooks

QUIVER Quake Series Book 2 edition by Jacob Chance Romance eBooks
Quiver is the follow up to Jacob Chance's debut novel Quake, and to say I was eagerly anticipating this book is a huge understatement!After one of the best cliffhangers that I have read recently, I was desperate to see how this story would end. And I was not disappointed!
Quiver picks up the story straight after the end of it's predecessor, and follows Kyle and Janny as they navigate the fallout from the events of Quake. Their story is not an easy one and they face obstacles along the way that will challenge their love as well as their faith in each other.
Quiver steps up the game in every sense. The suspense, the heat and the angst are all delivered in spades and I experienced a huge array of emotions while reading this book. The conclusion to Kyle and Janny's story is as compelling, emotive and satisfying as I had hoped for. For such a new author Jacob Chance has once again impressed me with his skillful and thoughtful storytelling. I can't wait for the next release!

Tags : QUIVER (Quake Series Book 2) - Kindle edition by Jacob Chance. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.,ebook,Jacob Chance,QUIVER (Quake Series Book 2),Fiction Romance Suspense,Fiction Romance New Adult
QUIVER Quake Series Book 2 edition by Jacob Chance Romance eBooks Reviews
Well where do I start? First I will say that Quiver was absolutely mind blowing. I was glued to my seat and my kindle did not leave my hands until I hit the last page. The "WOW " factor in this story was off the charts I absolutely loved book 1 "Quake" but OMG Quiver blew me away with all the twists and turns in this book and it had me gasping, screaming, and experiencing so many WTF moments and let's not forget the hot steamy sex scenes they were intense and brought new meaning to hot angry sex.
Quiver starts off right where Quake ended and it flowed perfectly leaving us to witness what happens with Kyle after Quake and also taking us on the emotional journey of Kyle and Janny and their unconventional love affair. Jacob weaved in way more angst and added suspense into Quiver bringing this book up a few notches from the previous book but still stayed on track never missing a beat. This is a fast read but it definitely packs a big punch and we see Kyle and Janny's love put to the test and and how much they have grown. Their journey is not easy and in some parts I will admit I held my breath actually fearing what was going to happen next so I'm leaving it at that because I will not ruin this for anyone you really have to experience this first hand you will not be disappointed. The phrase you hear throughout this story
"There will be no secrets between us"
will have u at the edge of your seat and catch you by surprise.
Brilliant job on that!!
I've seen so much growth with this author and I'm looking forward to reading more of his stories.
Ok not giving anything away because , well, you have to read this book it was brilliant. Jacob Chance blew this story out of the ball park like a grand slam home run.
Quiver is the follow up and conclusion to Kyle and Janny’s story. Where Quake leaves readers on the edge of their seats and desperate for answers, Quiver delivers a wholesome ending with an intriguing balance of adrenaline, sensuality and so much more. Highlighting the strength and growth of his characters and the complexity of their relationship, Jacob Chance executes a well thought out love story that excels in plot twists, romance and passion.
Quake focuses on the beginnings of Kyle and Janny’s unconventional union, whilst Quiver places importance on the depth of their love and the powerful connection shared. Including unexpected obstacles and bewildering new characters, Jacob Chance uses alternate points of view to show readers all the numerous reasons why Kyle and Janny deserve their happy ever after.
Quiver is not only the follow up to Quake, but solid proof that Jacob Chance is creative and talented. Remaining true to the suspense, tension and sex present in Quake, Quiver fulfills all of your expectations. Proving his ability to engross readers with his writing, Chance effortlessly enhances the reading experience. Providing heart-stopping revelations, a happy ever after and an enthralling segue, Chance prepares you for everything beyond Quake and Quiver.
This book wow just wow! How do I put into words how much I loved this book? I was hooked from the beginning until the end. In certain parts I had chill bumps that hit me, I cried while reading and I wanted to throw my iPad. The emotions I felt while reading was intense. I thought Quake was my favorite but Jacob completely changed my mind with Quiver. The suspense of you not knowing what was going to happen next, having to turn the page and finding out. All through the book I was sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next. I couldn't get enough and didn't want it to end. I wanted to finish to get all of the answers I needed but I also didn't want it to end.
It picked up right where Quake left off. I loved the characters and I think they all changed and developed more in this book. The way I felt seeing Janny change in this book and be stronger. Normally in books the leading male character is my favorite but in this book Janny was my favorite character don't get me wrong I love Kyle too. Quiver was an amazing follow up to their story. Jacob Chance absolutely blew me away with this story. It's one must read story and I'll make sure to tell everyone to read it. I really can't wait to see what Jacob comes up with next.
Quiver is the follow up to Jacob Chance's debut novel Quake, and to say I was eagerly anticipating this book is a huge understatement!
After one of the best cliffhangers that I have read recently, I was desperate to see how this story would end. And I was not disappointed!
Quiver picks up the story straight after the end of it's predecessor, and follows Kyle and Janny as they navigate the fallout from the events of Quake. Their story is not an easy one and they face obstacles along the way that will challenge their love as well as their faith in each other.
Quiver steps up the game in every sense. The suspense, the heat and the angst are all delivered in spades and I experienced a huge array of emotions while reading this book. The conclusion to Kyle and Janny's story is as compelling, emotive and satisfying as I had hoped for. For such a new author Jacob Chance has once again impressed me with his skillful and thoughtful storytelling. I can't wait for the next release!

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