Real Power Maxing Out on God Love edition by David J Abbott MD Religion Spirituality eBooks

The most powerful force in the universe is God’s love. The most important fact in the universe is that God loves and accepts you the way that you are, but He loves you too much to let you stay that way. God loves you from the top of your head to the tip of your toes, and it doesn’t get any better than that. There is no limit to how good your life can become when your heart and mind are full of God’s love. You must experience the real power of maxing out on his love.
God’s love transforms your mind and heals your damaged emotions. It flushes the toxic waste out of your heart and mind, and gives you a clean mind and a pure heart.
Nothing is too hard for God. No matter how sick you are or how hopeless you feel, God’s love can make you better. The moment you open your heart and mind to his love, improvement begins.
When I was in medical school, I spent four years learning about diseases that affect the body and mind. I learned how things go wrong, why they go wrong, and what I could do to help make them better. Unfortunately, medical school didn’t teach me how to become a whole person.
After practicing medicine for thirty years, I understand that people want more than just being free from disease. They want wholeness. They don’t just want their diabetes or cancer to go away. They want their worry, fear, and depression to leave so they can start feeling good once again.
Physicians have a hard time helping you become a whole person. They are experts at manipulating your anatomy and physiology, but treating your upset heart and mind are largely left up to you. Most physicians don’t have the time or resources to deal with such things.
Secular medicine ignores the most powerful force in the universe, God’s love. This force does what physicians cannot do. It restores wholeness to your heart and mind.
Medical science has now confirmed that people of faith live longer and recover faster from serious illness than people without faith. Medical research also confirms that prayer enhances your ability to recover from disease. Medicine has discovered only the tip of the iceberg of God’s unconditional love. Wholeness comes when you open your heart to God’s love and find out what it means to live as one of his children.
God created you, and He knows you better than you know yourself. He knows what ails you and knows the cure. No matter what therapies you have tried in the past, if you have not experienced God’s love, you are missing out on the most powerful medicine in the universe. God’s love always makes your life better. If you want your body to heal in the quickest possible time, a liberal application of God’s love will make it happen faster. If you want to restore wholeness to your heart and mind, you need to max out on God’s love.
1.You dare to call God your Father.
2.You have a personal relationship with God based on love. You fall in love with God.
3.You send your love back to God through loving other people. You fall in love with other people.
4.You practice God’s presence every day all day long.
5.You give up your need to be right and switch the focus of your life to love.
6.You move in the direction of the dream that God placed in your heart regardless of the consequences. You act as if that dream is possible and work each day to make it happen.
7.You use prayer to do a reality check and align yourself with God’s plan. You trust his plan, because it’s good for you and perfect for the type of person you are.
8.You open your heart and mind to the power of God’s love. His love washes the toxic waste out of your mind and heals your damaged emotions.
9.You live congruently as a whole person with your intellect, emotions, and will all heading in the same direction. You become an Unstoppable, Consistently Positive, Endlessly Persistent, Doer of Dreams.
10.You spend the rest of your life focusing on God’s
Real Power Maxing Out on God Love edition by David J Abbott MD Religion Spirituality eBooks
Dr Dave Abbott does it again. Positive, up lifting. It will put a smile on your face, a perk in your step and an awareness that life is good...WRProduct details

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Real Power Maxing Out on God Love edition by David J Abbott MD Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews
Dr Dave Abbott does it again. Positive, up lifting. It will put a smile on your face, a perk in your step and an awareness that life is good...WR

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