Coming Home Morelli Family #6 edition by Sam Mariano Romance eBooks

Coming Home Morelli Family #6 edition by Sam Mariano Romance eBooks
Once again I found myself on the roller coaster called the Morelli Family. The seat was in the loving arms of Sam Mariano and boy, did she turn up the love!I felt every loop and curve of the roller coaster right in my stomach and in my heart, and I loved the ride so much I’m willing to go again, right now!
With Sam Mariano’s series, you can’t predict what happens. You go in blindfolded, and all you can do is lean back and enjoy the ride.
I won’t say the dysfunctional family reaches new heights because they just kept on at the same pace I have come to love so so much. This series gives me all that I crave. Love, hate, passion, lust, domination, submission. It’s like watching dogs fighting over a bone, and that bone being Mia.
Coming home gives us a new insight into Mia’s character and the lines are drawn with a big fat black marker.
Mia has always been my girl, and with loving strokes, Sam Mariano paints the perfect picture of her, and she consolidates, in my heart, that Mia will always be my girl.
Like Mia is my girl, Mateo is my man. He is strong and completely unpredictable, and then again he isn’t. He takes the alpha male concept to a whole new level and I both thank God and curse Him for not making such a man in real life. He is absolutely delicious with all his faults and curiosities, and the more I get to know him, the more I love him.
For obvious reasons, I’m not going to reveal anything about the plot. If you haven’t started the series yet, I can only recommend it from the bottom of my heart. This is for me the best series in 2017, and I’m littery almost jumping for joy every time a new book is released.
Sam Mariano’s first book has turned into an epic journey for me. She has made me laugh and cry. Hate and love. She has made me feel her characters passion, disgust, lust, and hate with every page I have turned, and she is an utterly gifted author.
Coming home is a beautiful love story, that will horrify and thrill you. It will suck you in and spit you out on the other side confused and disorientated, just as it has done to me but I’m ready for what ever Sam throws at me in the next book!
Thanks to Sam Mariano for this thrilling advanced copy.

Tags : Coming Home (Morelli Family, #6) - Kindle edition by Sam Mariano. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Sam Mariano,Coming Home (Morelli Family, #6),Fiction Romance Suspense,Fiction Thrillers Crime
Coming Home Morelli Family #6 edition by Sam Mariano Romance eBooks Reviews
Coming Home is now my favorite book in the series!!!!
My emotions were all over the place, i refused to put it down until i was finished and now all i want to do is plot revenge...
So in this book Vince is back, lets me just make this clear i despise Vince...
i have never been a fan of Meg's and after this book well just say shes deserves what she gets...
Mia and Mateo have a few obstacles they need to get through in this book.I'm so happy with the outcome. I know I'm being extreamly vague but im not going to give any spoilers away.
We also meet new characters ,YES more Morelli's!!!! Rafe my god Rafe can be the next Mateo!!!.
A must read!!!
You know, I had to wait to write this review. My emotions went in to overdrive and I am still trying to heal from the sting of this book. I am really shocked at the outcome of this book and hate Mia and Mateo more than ever. I will not do a Spoiler Review. I do not want to give any Morelli secrets away. If I suffered, so do you!! Again, I have never been so drawn to a series in my life. I feel like a am related to these people. You do not have to like what happens to give a good review about the book an author. Sam Mariano again has me thirsty for more and I will continue to read this series until the very end. How many of us like every ending to every book/movie that we see? Not too many, however, that does not mean that the author is not brilliant at what she does. I truly love this lady and all the hard work she has but in this series. Kudos Sam Mariano this book series needs to be turned in to a movie script!!!
There are no words… this is the best series around. Sam Mariano takes you on an emotional journey and Coming Home was the cherry on top. The books start off with a bang. You see all different sides of the characters. It’s hard to do a review without ruining the ending but do yourself a favor and read this series…. Mateo will forever be one of my favorite villains in any book I ever read… He is twisted and makes no apologies for… and Mia … Mia is his light and he will go through anything and anyone to have her…. He is also okay with making sure he breaks her….READ THIS SERIES YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED!!!!!
I was so desperate to get my hands on this book. I didn't even wait for my KU to kick in, and just preordered it so I could get it faster. The book did not disappoint.
Vince makes a comeback! He comes back with a bang, but he's no match for Mateo. Thankfully the whole sister wives drama is done. Meg gets her walking papers, but not before she wreaks even more havoc on Mia and Mateo. Oh well, haters gonna hate! There's also a new character that's introduced. He's got swag so it's gonna be interesting to see if anything happens with him. Now bring in book 7!!!!!
I love this book. Mateo and Mia finally happen and I'm so here for it!!!! It should be obvious to the people who read Mia's storyline that her and Vince were never going to work out. That being said...a lot of women are triggered by the alleged cheating that happens. To me from the very first book I noticed that Mia and Vince were never going to work. I noticed this was a dark romance and I liked it. These books are not for everybody but this stuff happens a lot in real life so I guess people don't like the reality of hearing about relationships stepping outside of there norm. I think if he would have straight up cheated on Meg with Mia I would have liked the story better. But knowing how real Mateo is she wrote how he would respond and I liked that as well. This is not a series for everybody but I loved it and I'm sorry if this is a spoiler.
Sam Mariano is truly a great author if you like books where you think you know what's going to happen but it keeps changing until the very end. It is impossible to put this book down until I read the very last word. The hardest part is waiting for the next book to come out that is supposed to end this series. But since I've read everything she has written I'm in suspense to see what she comes up with next. After the final Morelli book of course!😎😬😂
Once again I found myself on the roller coaster called the Morelli Family. The seat was in the loving arms of Sam Mariano and boy, did she turn up the love!
I felt every loop and curve of the roller coaster right in my stomach and in my heart, and I loved the ride so much I’m willing to go again, right now!
With Sam Mariano’s series, you can’t predict what happens. You go in blindfolded, and all you can do is lean back and enjoy the ride.
I won’t say the dysfunctional family reaches new heights because they just kept on at the same pace I have come to love so so much. This series gives me all that I crave. Love, hate, passion, lust, domination, submission. It’s like watching dogs fighting over a bone, and that bone being Mia.
Coming home gives us a new insight into Mia’s character and the lines are drawn with a big fat black marker.
Mia has always been my girl, and with loving strokes, Sam Mariano paints the perfect picture of her, and she consolidates, in my heart, that Mia will always be my girl.
Like Mia is my girl, Mateo is my man. He is strong and completely unpredictable, and then again he isn’t. He takes the alpha male concept to a whole new level and I both thank God and curse Him for not making such a man in real life. He is absolutely delicious with all his faults and curiosities, and the more I get to know him, the more I love him.
For obvious reasons, I’m not going to reveal anything about the plot. If you haven’t started the series yet, I can only recommend it from the bottom of my heart. This is for me the best series in 2017, and I’m littery almost jumping for joy every time a new book is released.
Sam Mariano’s first book has turned into an epic journey for me. She has made me laugh and cry. Hate and love. She has made me feel her characters passion, disgust, lust, and hate with every page I have turned, and she is an utterly gifted author.
Coming home is a beautiful love story, that will horrify and thrill you. It will suck you in and spit you out on the other side confused and disorientated, just as it has done to me but I’m ready for what ever Sam throws at me in the next book!
Thanks to Sam Mariano for this thrilling advanced copy.

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