Grace Her Lives Her Loves the definitive biography of Grace Kelly Princess of Monaco eBook Robert Lacey

Grace Her Lives Her Loves the definitive biography of Grace Kelly Princess of Monaco eBook Robert Lacey
I wanted to read a thorough, accurate review of Princess Grace of Monaco, being a long admirer of her films and her humanitarian work. I picked this book because of Robert Lacey's prior works on European royals, and because so many of her personal friends had been interviewed for it.I don't blame the royal family of Monaco for refusing to cooperate with the author. "Grace: Her Lives, Her Loves" does give an intimate, in-depth look at the former film star - but it's TOO intimate. Lacey and Grace's "friends" relate sexual trysts in tasteless detail, which adds nothing to the portrait of her and no reader needs to know somebody else's sexual history. I felt like a voyeur. Shame on the author for including THAT much detail.
The reader DOES get a good look into Grace's early life and her family relationships, especially her stage-parent father and mother. Her film career gets a good going over, as well as the famous wedding. This doesn't erase the tabloid-tactics of the author.
This bio could have been more respectful and discreet about Princess Grace and still given the reader an accurate, in-depth portrait of the subject. I'm only giving three stars because it's more worthy cheap reality tv and supermarket tabloids than a literary biography.

Tags : Grace: Her Lives, Her Loves - the definitive biography of Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco - Kindle edition by Robert Lacey. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Grace: Her Lives, Her Loves - the definitive biography of Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco.,ebook,Robert Lacey,Grace: Her Lives, Her Loves - the definitive biography of Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco,Apostrophe Books
Grace Her Lives Her Loves the definitive biography of Grace Kelly Princess of Monaco eBook Robert Lacey Reviews
Before reading this book, I knew a little about Grace Kelly, so I had a superficial knowledge of her life. This book, therefore, was fascinating in its detail. Superbly written and extremely well-researched, I could not decide if it was hostile to Grace, or sympathetic. It certainly showed some less savoury sides to her character, but that only made her more human and likeable. It also showed - whether deliberately or not, I don't know - just how restricted women were during her lifetime, and how they were expected to conform, and how - if they wanted to achieve anything - could only do it with the permission of the men in their lives. That was the saddest aspect of Grace's life, that she was controlled by the expectations of the society of her day. This was a fantastic book - highly recommended.
If all you know about Grace Kelly is her movies and the newsreels of the wedding, you've only scratched the surface! This book provides lots of details about what her early life was really like. The author details that Hollywood is a nasty business.
This bio is really well done, I think. Certainly provided an insight into Grace that I hadn't known previously, and developed her stature as a credible and talented actress beyond what I previously held in my mind for her. The real character of the lovely Ms Kelly was a bit of a surprise, but one that I was happy to entertain in my imagination, for she captured the attentions of so many successful and competent men in her brief single life. The Kelly family was very interesting in many ways, and the need to compete and succeed was instilled in Grace and her siblings from a hard-driving and business successful father. The story was intriguing and compelling, and seemed to end too soon. Her private life as a wife to the prince pretty much stopped her career in her tracks, although interestingly enough it did not stop her drive to be meaningful and valuable and amorous with those few fortunate men whom she continued to covet even after her betrothal to the semi-regal one. I developed a respect for her in many ways, and felt that I was admitted into a private life whose boundaries could have been protected to a much higher degree. In the pursuit of truth, these bio's do get told, but somehow I feel that Grace was violated in some ways by those who pierced the veil of her public personna. Perhaps I was affected in a way not dissimilar to all of the other men who were exposed to her many charms, even as a reader so distantly removed from the reality of her personal lifetime. R.I.P. Ms Kelly.
For starts, this is an interesting, well-researched book on the life of a woman who went from being the reigning beauty of Hollywood, to a confined-to-quarters prisoner in a castle. She was worshipped, revered, while all the time being basically ignored by her husband and disrespected at every turn by her children.
They say we marry our parents. Grace had rigid, no-nonsense inflexible parents who refused to let her grow up, and ruled the roost on her dress, her boyfriends, etc., at every turn. Such was her life in Monaco. The book in itself was of quality not only because it was well-researched, but because, while it told of her affairs and loves, it did not reduce these facets of her life to sleaze. Rather, it told them as part of her history. (And everyone has a history; it just depends upon how it is related to the reader).
What I did not like about Grace - Her Lives - Her Loves was the grammatical errors and typos (doesn't anyone proofread these books?). And what I really didn't like, was the starting and preview of the authors new book in the back of this one. I have seen this before in other books, it is almost like some editor says "you have to fill out more pages". The so-called pictures in the back were nothing more than small clips of newsreel footage in black and white wherein it was very difficult to even discern who the people are in the picture.
So, that being said HSH Princess Grace is deeply missed by the world, and basically, I liked this book. I feel, though some of the other works written about her are really much better. So this gets a "recommended" but not a "highly recommended".
I wanted to read a thorough, accurate review of Princess Grace of Monaco, being a long admirer of her films and her humanitarian work. I picked this book because of Robert Lacey's prior works on European royals, and because so many of her personal friends had been interviewed for it.
I don't blame the royal family of Monaco for refusing to cooperate with the author. "Grace Her Lives, Her Loves" does give an intimate, in-depth look at the former film star - but it's TOO intimate. Lacey and Grace's "friends" relate sexual trysts in tasteless detail, which adds nothing to the portrait of her and no reader needs to know somebody else's sexual history. I felt like a voyeur. Shame on the author for including THAT much detail.
The reader DOES get a good look into Grace's early life and her family relationships, especially her stage-parent father and mother. Her film career gets a good going over, as well as the famous wedding. This doesn't erase the tabloid-tactics of the author.
This bio could have been more respectful and discreet about Princess Grace and still given the reader an accurate, in-depth portrait of the subject. I'm only giving three stars because it's more worthy cheap reality tv and supermarket tabloids than a literary biography.

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